Saturday, September 30, 2017

Secsdriver: Access the SECS-II message which not been defined in XSML file.

When we build the Tiny SECS/GEM, we got the issues like this.
The S2,F15 New equipment const send, it send from host to equipment to define the equipment const.

secsdriver provided the method to process. In lua script file, we have the new function named "EQPReceivedMsg"

So, with the S2F15 message, all of data item will be accessed by the index look like Jquery Selected. Example code:
After receive the ECID and ECID value, we can process to save this ECID to database, and do reply the secondary message S2F16 with the ACK OK to host. The secsdriver support the API to send message on the fly.

Email me if you have the issue !

We are building the Tiny SECS/GEM on the raspbery Pi. Keep connect with us to see more...
Thank you.


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